hello loyal readers (i like to pretend i have those…)! a few updates…
first, i’ve been pretty MIA of late. the last couple months have been insane, with pretty much every weekend filled with something.
on the “getting into shape” front, i’m happily still making progress. at the 10 week mark i was down 24 pounds. pretty kickass. i’m also getting more exercise than i was in the first 10 weeks, so hoping to see another chunk fall off when i go back in a few weeks.
my cat seems to be sick, so we’re heading to the vet shortly. signs seem to point to a kidney issue of some sort. she’s pretty old (will turn 19 in march) and i hope it’s nothing serious, but it has made me more aware of her age. hopefully i’ll know better what’s up soon.
that’s all for today. hopefully i’ll pop back in a little more regularly…