Garbage @ Kool Haus – April 25, 2005

I’ve been keeping setlists for shows that I go to for a while now with the intention of putting them online, so I’m finally getting around to doing this.

Went and saw Garbage last night, with Dead Sixties opening. The opener was ok, but a bit dull. there was a stretch of about 10-15 minutes where it seemed like the same song repeated with different lyrics. it all sounded really familiar, like they could have been a clash/specials/etc cover band. they weren’t bad, just not that exciting. perhaps just not quite my cup of tea. Garbage, on the other hand, were awesome. the band sounded great, and Shirley was a laugh. she had lots of banter with the crowd between songs and seemed to be having a really good time. towards the end of the show (i think it was mind-encore) someone in a chicken costume came out on stage with a cake for the bassist as it was his birthday. Shirley sang happy birthday, but then insisted that they needed to do it again because she needed Butch to do the harmony with her. As they tried to start the next song (cherry lips if i remember right) Shirley was still laughing so much that she was messing up the lyrics and made the band start over once she had composed herself. Before they restarted and mid-way through the song she was asking for the chicken to come back out on stage because she wanted to dance with him, but he never came back out. they finished off their set with the crowd still begging for another encore.

Here’s the setlist from the show:

intro – hurt by nine inch nails, as covered by johnny cash


bad boyfriend


stupid girl

sex is not the enemy

hammering in my head

when i grow up


bleed like me

i think i’m paranoid

push it

only happy when it rains

you look so fine *

why do you love me

metal heart

cherry lips go baby go

right between the eyes

the story behind the *: through the show there was someone in the audience, center stage about 25-30 feet back, that was holding up a small sign. it looked like the ripped the cover off a spiral notebook, so it was about the size of a standard letter sized page. they had something written on it, but who knows what. At this point Shirley made a comment about not being able to see because of her contacts being foggy, so she asked them to hand the sign forward so she could read it. she apologized and said that, unfortunately, since they have a new bass player they couldn’t play “you look so fine” since he doesn’t know it. She also joked that she probably couldn’t even remember the words. She suggested that if Duke could give her a chord she might be able to sing a bit of it, so with a really basic guitar part and simple drum line keeping time she broke into a mostly a capella version of the song. she was kind of laughing and making up most of the words, joking that she couldn’t rhyme this line and that one. it was pretty funny and the crowd loved it.

I’m adding some “past” entries with setlists for some other shows (matthew good, social distortion, skinny puppy, pixies, queens of the stone age), so check those out if you’re interested. I’ll try to add entries on time for future shows…