well, after 6 weeks of non-stop work on the project from hell, i think it’s finally done… or at leastContinue readingback in the land of the living
Category: music
been pretty much MIA of late… work is kicking my ass. haven’t taken a day off in 3+ weeks. bla.Continue readingMIA
johnny marr
i’m always looking for new music. the radio is kind of “meh” for the most part, but there are occasionalContinue readingjohnny marr
them crooked vultures album
i can’t give the album anything other than a 10/10. i’ve been listening to it pretty much non-stop since theyContinue readingthem crooked vultures album
TCV album on youtube!
damn, them crooked vultures just posted their whole debut album on youtube, a week before release too. holy shit thisContinue readingTCV album on youtube!